Monday, February 22, 2010

Back at last

yesterday marks the day I came back to my room in tokyo. once again confirming that after a long while of nomadic travelling, dumping my bags here and there, travelling around the place like some homeless fellow, that I do yearn for staying put in one place for a while.

after 12 days of travelling in hokkaido, Xianna came up from South Japan to catch up and bitch about life with me. we spent the next 2 nights prowling tokyo on a survival trip that saw us spending 1 night at a manga-kisa which is a manga reading place with internet, shower etc. the next night we spent a night with weifeng at an onsen, sleeping in our yukatas on a reclined chair in their free resting room. i swear i will go back to that place again.

coming back to my room and really starting to pack things have been an experience in itself.

on those 12 days in hokkaido, i spent 4 days in the house of an old couple in Hakodate as part of a homestay program. in those days, their hospitality really impressed me. in fact, i spent so much time talking to my host mum that there was a night when i even told her my family story in Japanese. and we shared really deep stuff, about like her experiences in life and so on. it was really a very very good feeling, hearing from someone who's been through life in that way, living in a town that has almost everything but not with the stress of a typical big city.


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