Friday, February 03, 2006

this very familiar feeling in school

somehow i feel like an outcast in school now. but i know i am not lah.. its just that remarks from some people really spoil your day. i feel like a victim of remarks in secondary. like being bullied by some older boys in school. i was never bullied.. aha. only i bully people.. i feel i more or less operate like a loner in school. more or less like the way i functioned in previous school days, even in the army. sometimes diversification doesnt occur with friends. when you try to make all your friends happy you end up making non. i dun belong to any distinct grp in sch. i feel like i am just roaming around. and when i get remarks that brand me as the one who only goes for girls, i hate it.especially by guys who themselves are the ones going out to know new girls and stuff. i really hate it. perhaps they dont know it. my 'brothers in christ' in school.

who listens to a song called 'dissolve' on a saturday afternoon when he has like make up classes for the whole day from the morning til 430 non stop? gdness.

in the class now in fact. this is my routine. blogging in class. sleeping at hm. study before exams. haha. what a wining formula!

wasting time blogging is clearly not a good substitution for paying attention in a finance class man. damn.

1:49 pm why are my peers asking questions that i do not even catch?

1:55 pm bombardments have stopped. perhaps i should stop feeling insecure.


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