Friday, March 20, 2009

i miss abilities of old times when i am more observant

I have a hypothesis: that we are innately more observant when we are young. but we verbalise better as we grow older. thus the tipping point of expression occurs when we are still obervant enough and are able to verbalise what we observe well, which probably happens somewhere when we are in our young adult days. makes it more conducive too if it happens during a time when we are very free, eg after a breakup, a long holiday after school before work etc.

let me attempt:

ok i give up. i was in the train this morning, too tired to whip out any readings labelled fixed income to read on the train, too bored with the music in my iPod to really listen to them. and so i decided to observe people. of course there are people that you don't need a conscious effort to 'observe', but today i decided was going to observe the everyday kind of person. :)

and i told myself i was going to blog about my findings this mornign and feel rejuvenated as an 'observant', young and inquisitive boy all over again.. and i remembered that i remembered to blog about them. but i dont quite remember the contents of it.. sad.

mrt bloggin is only fun when u can sit down and open your laptop and blog on the spot. thats why its called blogspot!!! wow revelation of the day. if u try to remember abt what to blog, doesnt happen. sorry, doesnt work that way.


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