Monday, August 20, 2007

we are heading for doom

today's news published that there is going to be a new university coming up! SMU is not going to be the new kid on the block anymore! seems like the pressure is really on us now to sorta maintain what we have built up thus far. its not easy i must say, with so much 'growth in the last few years. something like how the youngest kid in the family must adjust when his younger sibling was just born. suddenly all the attention is going to someone else, how do you still stand to seek that sense of approval from your parents?

enough of this family analogy. not sure if i ever blogged this, spoke to uncle and got huge chunk of family history out of him. truely a heart-warming moment for me.. to hear things that happened even before i was born. sounds like one of those 'grandpa' stories. the 'before your time' stories in the family especially. in a family that is plagued by the financial struggles between the members of last generation.


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