Wednesday, April 15, 2009

crunch time

come crunch time, its always the time with most thoughts. obviously not a very productive time to be emo momo and wild in your thoughts, but its times like this that i guess sets you thinking and questioning since life is kinda pain. haha. this time round, my worry surfaced, about not feeling the pressure early enough and by the time i realised how much time i really had, its really pretty much very very late. i'm starting to see many things requiring me to do now and of course that has kinda set me up slightly on biaing for the day, but well we'll see. pressure obviously also came in the form of the pressure to perform... its like basketball. if you've devoted an entire season training hard, then the game is for you to lose. if you went in with a nothing to lose attitude then yeah i guess the pressure is off. of course in the end its gotta be a combination of both. you dont wana overpressure urself on the need to perform, yet its not a nothing to lose situation. you just have to come at ease with yourself about what is this thing all about to you. i for one have trememdously shifted my attention away to focus on how enjoyable the process has been. and i'd gladly admit that this term i really enjoyed studying in itself. never mind the pressure from tests and stuff. but studying in itself was enjoyable, not to mention the 'high morale' when you think you've got it and seem like you understand, and of course the self efficacy you get when you know that you played a significant role in championing group efforts which otherwise would have been different without you. of course its not been a perfect season, like how i am fooling myself that lakers are still the team to watch. much as i'd like Kobe as MVP, its not him. all i can really hope for now is that they'd peak at the right time, the same that i'd peak at the right time with adrenaline to be my best during the exams. after it, i can suck at studying for all i care, because after that all the competency i need is on partying!
make sure i am at my best during the right timings and everything will be fine. thats all for now. the NBA playoffs are starting very soon and so are my playoffs. i've got a grueling road trip ahead of me, with back to back games, in fact 2 games in a day and after tt, no one's gonna enjoy my postseason coz i'm going to enjoy my NBA postseason intensity! I think i'd blog a week after the end of my exams and say the same shit i said last semester: i seem busier after exams than during exams. you know me.


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