Sunday, April 09, 2006

in the arms of an angel

tonight is one of which i have a lot of emotions. trying to sleep but simply cant. despite it being like 330 am in the morning and i've got my first paper tmr morning at 9 am. gdness, what am i thinking? i might not have enough sleep to score me my A in that stats paper! and then i would get an A- instead of an A, or even worse, a B!! and then my GPA would fall by 0. something!! and then it would cost me my career!! my God. why have you not designed me to think like this? i wished i could think like some idiot who just aims at GPA! but i just am not such. i follow my intuitions when it comes to decision making. haha. a conscious decision indeed.

minutes ago i was just crying out to the Lord. reaching my hand into the dark and forgetting night sky who seems to have forgotten abt me all these while! i know perfectly tt i am not forgotten. by sharlene or by so many other of my friends. thanks!! to those who spared me the attention all these while. tough time? not so sure if this me would last forever. so.. xin ku le...

cired out loud to the hymns of 'arms of an angel'. each time i hear this song, i could really close my eyes and feel an angel covering me with his/her white feathered wings. tonight it was like God himself doing the job, in the form of my blanket. ha.

really wana just thank the people around me. i think its all God's unfailing grace to have planted these pple in my life, and planting me in theirs. thanks to Stanley and Yong howe who both said a simple but powerful prayer in church service today. i thought to myself. i wana be like them. and just speak into people's lives and touch them!

realised that i kinda like fulfilled one of m simple goals this year. howe, havent shared this, but well. when the LKC scholars decided on having a meeting before the exams to like pray for each other, i was thinking to myself, i'm like the only one (if i'm not wrong) whos even like comfortable to pick up a guitar and like strum loh. so i thought, i might as well sort of like rise up to the occasion to play and like lead a simple worship for our small grp of abt 8 to 10 people. since we are all peers. and of course i voluteered a close friend to the job of 'co-leading' the worship. i'm the best at this lah! so well, 2 guys, zero experience in leading worship or cell grp or wateva, taking the step forward by faith. with a lousy and out of tune guitar. we had a great time of worship and deep sharing at the end of the term. AMEN!

i must say i really felt refreshed after that all. and i realised that many a times one would only do things when there is the need for him to do! i din see the need in church for me to even pick up that guitar. theres always someone there who can do it better than me. haha. God provided the situation? i mean in any grp of 10 christians or so, what are the chances of having zero people knowing how to play the guitar? thats a binomial distribution. X~B(p,10) hahahaha!!!! now you know i am ready for the stats exam tmr! i'd ay the chances are pretty small.

so.. thanks to... yihan, who took it by faith as well. you displayed a can do attitude. i pray you'd earn your first million for God soon! (sounds llike LTB end of term feedback huh)

and all who shared so deeply.. we have indeed reached new grounds in terms of pouring out our problems... too bad like what Gloria said: we all know the problems or each other, and can lend a litening ear.. but no one has the answer isnt it? cant have a self managed team in this sense? actually i believe that everyone in the group definitely has the capacity to lead! come on! we are scholars! haha... ok.. duh.. well to make up for this and show that i'm not so scholarly after all,

Tada!! this is the result of a severe overdose of stats. number 3 plus symbol for chi squared statistic. haha!
fresh from the oven! done like 3 hrs ago. courtesy of a friend who loves 3.

this was the one before.


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