Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hong Kong

i've got people who claims that they still do read my blog every once in a while.. somehow i find that amazing.

I am a fan of Heath Ledger. Ironic how sometimes you only become fans of people when they are dead. its a coincidence for me. his performance in the dark knight is simply stunning. and note there's no mention of the word 'batman' in any written form even though it was being memtioned countless times. who would have imagined that just 15 years ago, the exact same movie about the same superhero and the same villian was being made, and it still didnt fail at quenching the audiences thirst.. i guess they'd start making sequels in shorter product cycles now. like eventually there'd be like an x men movie or something every 5 yrs or so. unimaginable.

I am a fan of joker.

amongst the countless facebook pictures posted by friends in Hong kong, (i didnt take a single shot from my camera in hong kong yet), seems like i am having so much fun huh. its kind of a gd experience i'd say. but i guess europe once again killed everything since its kinda like saturation pt in terms of my 'international' exposure term in smu. i guess i miss spore more than anyting now, despite the fulfilling schedule here. for example, i went to Linheung dim sum this morning, the one said to be hong kong's most authentic dimsum place. following which to repulse bay where its said to be the place for people watching, tho weifa and bingkai and myself wouldnt agree to that. and then we went to a german beer house to have again, the same good old pork knuckles and sausages and the usual 1 L beer.. pretty authentic tho i'd say the real one is def better. really make me think of the regret of not going to hofbrahaus in munich!!!!

despite this great itenary, and wonderful hosts, bus rides back to starr hall still makes me think of so many things, despite friends being right beside me. and sometimes i just get really filled with thoughts that i will never be able to put down in a blog like this. about jie wei, and how decisions are being made, about what there is in the near future for me. if i'd told you that europe didnt change me and some of my thought processes, i'd confess now that i am bluffing you. many things have changed. my outlook, the way i look at things, the way i think.. even my lifestyle has changed in a way.

My relationship with God has evolved as well. its hard to explain, but sometimes its like how a relationship evolves. my relationship with my dad evolved over the years as well.. so i guess its normal. i think its beyond the ability of language to articulate relationships, and i think sometimes the less we talk about it, the more we feel it.

5 things i miss the most: (in order)
  1. jie wei
  2. singapore
  3. good old beer time with friends
  4. beach volleyball
  5. the feeling that i am still a student


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