Monday, September 04, 2006

We were talking about Creative and Sim Wong Hoo one day and referred to their poor economic performance lately, and some one, I cant remember who but probably the likes of a professor pointed out that its not going to be the last of him because he is a ‘fighter’. And I thought to myself: wow! I’d certainly love to be known as a ‘fighter’ amongst my friends, my rivals or anyone.

This is one of those mrt entries again. I’m on my way to an audition actually, while juggling with my school work that seems pretty heavy. I haven’t been paying attention on my sch work all these while lah. And I even kinda like disappointed my grp mates coz I din really finish trying all the qns for a grp assignment due tmr. Well I hope I do make it back in time for the meeting later. If not I’d feel doubly bad.

And Da n lin: I’ve just been in a pretty bad mood lately, din mean to not be the usual “whatever you say is fine” me last night. I spent the whole of yesterday in a queue and in the end when I had to queue in mos burger for a typical like 3 mins I couldn’t take it anymore. I think we could do a queue all our life. Q-ing for food, for clothes in a sale, for flats, for bak kwa, for helly kitty toys and what have you. At the end of our lives we’d probably look back and realized we spent like 3 years of our time of our whole life Q-ing. Ha.

Barely slept like 2 hours last night. Nearly decided to not sleep at all and go for auditions this morning. I gave up the idea at 4. I also gave up finishing the homework.

I could even feel that sickening soreness at the back of my eyes when I close it now. Its that feeling when you close your eyes its like burning slightly at the back you don’t really know its burning of its like relieving. Ha.

I just hope today passes by with hope. Hope of more time to do other things, hope of doing something that I’ve been wanting to do? Whatever the case I think it can only get better. Honestly the thought of giving up really came so close to me just yesterday. The thought of just getting away and not ‘doing’ things just came to me. I wonder why we cant do anything nowadaes? Like its either A or B or C. ha. When we wee young we used to like doing ballet, piano, language classes topped with tuition classes for each subject you take in school. And we still had time to go to the park! What happened to the time?


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