Wednesday, July 26, 2006
guys, we must all live strong and happy to see each other again.
end of the day
so right now i am waiting for 2: my fren and 6pm.
the boss really takes weight in what we sae
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
reverse blogging 2
It’s a Wednesday. Sounds like a nice day to go to mambo huh. Feels like I am bogged down by work and its really tough to find any day of the week to do anything. Blogging on the train right now. That’s how efficient SMU has transformed me. Perhaps not SMU, but its just that I became like this in SMU, correlation doesn’t equate to causality. Hur hur.
Just thought to the girls in Vietnam again. Really hav got strong motivation to go back next summer or even this coming dec to see them. I’ve got minh to translate the letters fr them already, pretty excited to go to office to check those mail the first thing in the morning. I cant work in an environment like tt man. Its been 7 days only and I already feel like I cant take it anymore. Hahaha not that its not gd. Its just tough to imagine that in another 3 yrs I’m probably one of those ‘climbers’ haha. Its so easy to reach out to them because no one has probably been interested in them on a 1 to 1 level…. No one has probably offered quidance to them in that sense. Theres so much love to spread around. People in Singapore don’t know how fortunate we are man! There are definitely people who are needy here too, but Vn is such a populated country that it seems that people are dispensible to them!
It’s a tough feeling knowing that good things are happening in your life but not knowing who to share with? Yes I know I am bitching again, and I’ve told myself not to whine at such issues again, bite the bullet and just move on. Yes I know. And its such a bore reading this off my blog already. Boy have I got anything else to write about?
Right now in office already..
The ladies who were giving out flyers to promote fitness first at the overhead bridge before the convention centre really reminds me of the conveyor belts in heavy industries. The way they pass the papers to you in such constant motion really look like those u see in cartoons!
The aunties in the accounts department are so typically Singaporean that sometimes I wana laugh haha! They are sort of like afraid of the boss, uncomfortable to alone in a grp of Danish, blah blah blah, but then again their emails to me sounds so professional! Wahaha. The boss is late, was just thinking of how it is possible if I were the boss to be on time everyday haha. That very ‘take it upon yourself’ kind of leadership by example. My God, there must be something wrong with that previous sentence. My England really CMI! Microsoft Word says so by drawing a nasty green line under that broken English sentence. I think it’d be an art to be able to constantly speak in broken English the way Ali G works. Hm… maebe I should try that.
Wil says I’m full of crap, so full of it that he finds it stressful to keep up with me.. haha. Ok.. the rest is best… left confidential.
Was jogging last night, tried to do some chip ups and stuff, almost dieded. Haha. In the end the workout turned out to be a session with a cat. Pretty usual for me, cats would usually brush themselves against me in the past coz I had one at home. But they’re damn realistic. Got food then they’l be there, no food hey’d go somewhere else. Just like humans isn’t it? Cynical shit.
reverse blogging
Went shopping today after such a long time. So many things have changed in spore. i must have seen 100 shops that weren’t there the last time I was ard. Thigns really change at such an alarming speed. My gdness. I kinda miss the kids in Vietnam. Some of them already emailed me but I don’t know what they are typing until some one can translate for me. Han chien. Ahha.
I feel that leading this kind of life also not so good. Had a talk with some friends and realized that the conversation that we have nowadays is really about what job you are doing and whats the best job blah blah blah. And we all get perceptions abt what is the best from a variety of ways. Pretty much the same how we hear this chicken rice stall is better than the other chicken rice stall. Or worse this bak chor mee stall gives more te gua than the other bak chor mee stall. We all thrive in that way isn’t it. Perhaps 50% thru hearsay. Seniors mentors peers parents blah blah blah. Maebe another 30% from information in the papers blah blah. Another 20% by other indicators, I’m really not sure. But I wonder how come we take what others tell us so seriously when most of the time what they got was predominantly hearsay too? It works like a rumour system spreading word around. Works pretty much like fear. The kind of fear that makes us worried abt taking planes when it is actually as likely to die in a plane crash as in a car crash. We just feel safer when we are in control. So we are designed in a way that is more comfortable with knowing rather than admitting that we do not know. Hm.. chim sia.
Did I have time to reflect this holidays? I am not so sure. I really went thru a very eventful holiday. Going from place to place. I feel like a MNC executive who travels here and there more than staying at one place. Do I feel more important? Maybe? I definitely feel important hearing the sound that more leather shoe makes with the floor when I walk in my suntec tower 4 office. Feels wrong isn’t it? Such raw thoughts. I must be tired in this homebound train at 1140pm. I can hardly open my eyes now. Haven’t seen Pei for a while man. He seems busy everyday. Even on weekends. Talking about being in the finance industry. Haha. Sometimes I really feel it for them. Y cant they have shorter hours? Its not abt labour shortage wat. Its more like you cant have too many people working on the same thing. Do I want a job like that? I dun think so. But what job allows you to frequently travel and lets you take a year off to travel? Here comes the overpublished question. Is money really that important? Sounds like one of those questions that once you examine you never need to go back to it again. But I;ve been asking myself a lot on this qn. I cant seem to get an absolute answer. But its definitely a lot of this qn that made me grow as a child. Ask your child that qn.!
I miss all my friends.
i thought i saw a pussy cat
really bored at work. not that i have nothing to do. which is a blessing, just that reading this loooong contract of buying a vessel in china which i am going over to with the MD of the company to learn how he negotiates.
living the working life is like having no time to doanyting at all. esp whenu have all the other commintments in sch too!
Friday, July 21, 2006
Thursday, July 20, 2006
first day at work
- the panamax is called panamax coz its the largest ship that could pass through the Panama Canal.
- it costs US$ 160,000 to pass thru the Suez Canal. and 85% of the Egyptian GDP comes from the duties from the Suez Canal.
haha. on top of these some cool gadgets! i've got a tabel that could elevate so that i could stand up after lunch for better digestion. it also helps you relax your back as according to some of my colleagues. theres a table with 2 LCD screens but that guy could control it with a single mouse. so his mouse moves from 1 screen to the other! i want one of that at home.
office is made up of half caucasians half singaporeans. most of the Cs are from Denmark. ironically i speak to both grps with pretty much ease. haha. except the boss whom i havent really met yet since he's not ard. ironically he is the one i am supposed to travel with for 5 days. i wonder if he would give up trying to repeat to me what he said, ahahah. oh yah, theres also this Jap Lady in a room of her own. she looks like the young sugar mummy sort. hahahah. speaks louder than most jap girls. looks like some big @#$% in the company coz shes alone on her own though the whole office is like open concept one. so only she and the boss has a rooom to their own. i hear her voice from outside her rm the whole day. the culture here is pretty flat. imagine me typing this right in front of my colleagues.
just a thought:
i could do without my phone for so many days in Vietnam, shows that i could let go of work easily right? i only checked my phone every like 5 days. i seldom reply in Viet. i like the feeling of being away. doing what i have to do. doing what others are not doing. the min i touched down singapore, i felt that my lifestyle was coming back alreadi. just task after task. meeting people after meeting people. i havent seem to accustom back to the Singapore life yet. not many noe tt i am back. but i think its getting more n more by the day. ahha.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Hanoi-Hue-Hoi an-Nha Trang-Saigon
everyday on long ride buses you get to meet people who tells you they are travelling for a whole yr. or they are travelling alone. my gdness, unheard of isnt it? and when we start to think back abt ourselves, what kind of getaways and holidays d owe have ? 5D4N vietnam tour? 3D2N Bali? and you call that a getaway? i havent even warmed up 1 week in Vietnam! and i am starting to love this country, for its frenly people. i havent been turned down when asking for directions yet.
just this other day we went to this place to eat a kind of local prok noodles called Cao Lau, and we were so moved by this ah ma's gesture that we went to develop a picture and framed it for her with her inside it with her grandchildren. the digital camera is an amazing way of connecting people i must say, i 'm sure the lkids at the homes wil love it.