moments where God exists...
with the Dan Brown series coming to town again to challenge the notion of God and His people, it was moments when we see people like Susan Boyle that reminds us of just how the human spirit could really be imagined to resemble someone we deem as perfect as God.
it is times like this, when you see the human spirit proving to be above the expectations of other human beings that bring hope. sometimes that might take the form of an acknowledgement of our imperfections... sometimes others.
i saw a recent campaign ad for this family movement in Singapore and the first thing i went was like 'my this ad must have cost our govt a bomb' coz it was like a full 2 to 3 mins long when other big brand names like samsung's ads only took like 20 to 30s or something. but the other thing that caught my eye was how these ads in singapore has gotten more 'straight to the heart' in recent years. i really loved that ad.. go see.
at the same time terminator salvation reminded me that what defines us as humans do not com from our exo-skeletal/ prosthetic limbs or anything else, but our strongly beating heart...
it is times like this, when you see the human spirit proving to be above the expectations of other human beings that bring hope. sometimes that might take the form of an acknowledgement of our imperfections... sometimes others.
i saw a recent campaign ad for this family movement in Singapore and the first thing i went was like 'my this ad must have cost our govt a bomb' coz it was like a full 2 to 3 mins long when other big brand names like samsung's ads only took like 20 to 30s or something. but the other thing that caught my eye was how these ads in singapore has gotten more 'straight to the heart' in recent years. i really loved that ad.. go see.
at the same time terminator salvation reminded me that what defines us as humans do not com from our exo-skeletal/ prosthetic limbs or anything else, but our strongly beating heart...